Thursday, January 11, 2007

Autism and Inflammation

Several studies now show that children with Autism have lower markers for anti-oxidant molecules such as glutathione and super-oxide dismutase. We still don't know if it's because they tend to produce fewer enzymes that make the anti-oxidants, or if they just use more anti-oxidants because of greater oxidative stress. Or both.

Many patients have reported improvement with improvement in their anti-oxidant status, either through supplementation or by eliminating things that cause oxidation.

What causes oxidative stress? Some culprits may be an undiagnosed food allergy--perhaps to wheat or milk proteins, or heavy metals which are potent oxidizers.

1 comment:

kwagz said...

Dr Tan, I know that there is alot of research going on with Glutathione and Autism, and I have been involved with a supplement called MaxGxl (Glutathione Excelorator). This product was created by Dr. Robert H. Keller and the Placebo Based Double Blind Crossover Study that was done showed an average increase of Glutathione of 276% and a decrease of 37.7% in TNF alpha in just 60 days. IV Glutathione treatments are very expensive and don't last very long, MAXGXL is an inexpensive way to increase intracellular Glutahione levels in the body while reducing cellular inflammation and isn't that what these studies are trying to figure out?
We also have a product Max N-FUZE that is a nutritional product that uses nano technology to as a delivery mechanism for vitamins and minerals and SOD, Catalaz, and COQ10.

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