Friday, August 15, 2008

Tips for Health-Basic Treatment Guidelines

These are the Basic Treatment Guidelines I give out to almost all my patients. These tips are only useful if they are practiced on a daily basis. Remember, that health is about doing something good for yourself on a daily basis.

1. Eat well. Have adequate amounts of protein everyday. Eat lots of vegetables daily, at least 1 and 1/2 cups cooked, more if raw. Use a healthy source of fats such as extra virgin olive oil. Take some fish oil daily. Remove sugars and other sources of empty calories. Do not overeat!

2. Drink well. Choose plain water whenever you can over soda or other sugared drinks, including juices. I generally tell people to drink their weight in pounds divided by 2, in ounces (e.g. 150 lbs divided by 2 = 75 oz of water a day). Drink more if you are dehydrated from exercise, alcohol, excess caffeine or travel.

3. Exercise well. Choose an exercise that you enjoy or do, it may be as simple as walking. Aim for at least 30 minutes 4 out of 7 days. Mix up something cardiovascular with some resistance (could be weights, swimming, etc). Yoga is an excellent choice as it combines strength, flexibility and proper breathing.

4. Sleep well. Aim for your 8 hours of sleep--make it a priority. Try to go to bed before midnight. Sleep in a dark, quiet room; and when you wake up, open the curtains so you get enough sunlight/light. This will keep your circadian rhythms more regular. Sleep well also means to rest and relax well--do something enjoyable, light-hearted regularly.

5. Detox well. A "detox" does not have to be fancy and it doesn't equate to doing elaborate things like a fast. For me, detoxing well means having a bowel movement everyday (this means eating well and having enough fiber), drinking lots of water and exercising. Foods that promote detoxification include vegetables (specially cruciferous, beets, artichoke, dandelion, burdock).

6. Supplement well. While I believe some people can get all of their nutrients from a well-balanced, well-planned out diet (assuming they have healthy digestion to extract the nutrients from food), I still see the value of daily supplementation because so many of us live stressed-out, time-starved lives. My basics are: a good multivitamin mineral formula, B-complex, fish oil, and probiotics (at least a few months of every year).


Anna's Spot said...

I want to just second that motion. I have multiple chemical sensitivity that developed from toxic mold. I believe that following a anti-inflammatory diet (organic whole food), adequate exercise, rest and relaxation, with detox is essential in helping your body heal. 5 years ago, I could barely get out of bed. We all have the ability to heal ourselves. I want to add getting outside (in nature not in a pollute area of town) to your overall tips for health. said...

You said:
"A "detox" does not have to be fancy and it doesn't equate to doing elaborate things like a fast. For me, detoxing well means having a bowel movement everyday (this means eating well and having enough fiber), drinking lots of water and exercising."

That sounds pretty sensible. I'm trying to include a lot more fiber and water daily. The exercise, well, I still need to work on that.

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